Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yorkshire pudding

2 oz Gram Flour (chick pea flour, found in Indian shops and Tesco’s).
2 oz Doves White Plain Flour (Wheat / Gluten Free, found at Sainsbury’s 
         And Tesco’s).
½ Pint milk-Semi skimmed (replace with Soya if Lactose Intolerant).
Grind a pinch of salt.
3 medium sized Eggs.
Olive oil to coat a cake tray with 12 sections.
Gas mark 8 / 240c Electric

1/ Whisk all the above ingredients till a batter is formed.
2/ Heat tray with ½ flat teaspoon of oil in each section until smoking.
3/ Pour the mixture evenly in to each section to the top.
4/ Place the tray back in to the oven for 15-20minutes.
This recipe will produce 12 large Yorkshires. If you ½ the amount of flour, milk and reduce the eggs by one you can produce just six for a smaller diner. The Yorkshires can be refrigerated and you can microwave them to have the next day

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