Saturday, December 26, 2009

Apple and Blueberry Crumble

4 Large Cooking Apples.
A small tray of Blueberries (you can exchange for Raspberries or frozen mixed Berries).
9 oz Doves Plain White Flour (Wheat and Gluten Free).
6 oz Granulated or Caster Sugar.
4 oz Gluten Free margarine (olive sold at Sainsbury’s or Dairy Free margarine if Lactose intolerant).
2 Pinch of Grated Salt.
¼ pint of water.
1/ Place ¼ pint water in a sauce pan with 2 oz sugar and a pinch of salt on a low heat.
2/ Peal the Apples and cut up in uneven slices add to the water in the saucepan.
3/ Wash and throw in the berries.
4/ Bring to the boil and simmer until the apple is soft
5/ Sieve Flour and the pinch of salt in to a bowl. Add the margarine and using the tips of your fingers mix the ingredients to resemble bread crumbs.
6/ Add the remaining 4 oz sugar and blend in to the mixture using your fingers.
7/ Spoon the Apple mixture in to a 12 inch glass or Heat resistant flan case and spread the crumble mixture over the top making sure to completely cover.
Gas mark 6 / 200 c for 20 minutes or until the crumble is lightly golden.

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